A worthy concealed-carry class is no bare-bones, “give a man [or woman] a fish” endeavor, with the care-free air of a junior-high elective. For a determined protector, this is potentially the most important single day of training in your life! The subject matter requires your best effort, and your loved ones deserve the same.
In order to prepare you for a challenge against your very life, we propose to challenge you in our training. Our enhanced concealed-carry class will feel like a 100-level college class. The material we present is comprehensive but comprehensible. Whether you are a first-time shooter or a Navy SEAL, as long as you are willing to apply yourself, your attention and effort will be rewarded with wisdom, skill, knowledge, and mental clarity. You will begin your concealed-carry journey with the tools that will truly help you safeguard your physical, legal, spiritual, moral, social, and financial well-being.
And don’t worry…we will have plenty of FUN along the way, too!
By law, an Enhanced CWL class requires you to give up a minimum of eight hours of your life. What do you need in return for those eight hours? If all you want is the license and a generous dose of false confidence, there are cheaper options out there that are…how shall we say this?…worth the enticingly-low price of admission. But if you want proven ideas, techniques, and insights that will help you WIN the physical fight and chart your way through the critical nuances of a complex legal system, our class delivers for true defenders.
If you look at other concealed carry classes, you might think of the following items as bonuses. At Ministry of Defense, we call them essentials and include them with your enrollment: