Ministry of Defense Blog

Firearms Safety During EDC Transition Points: How to Steer Clear of Hidden Dangers
I would like to challenge you to examine whether you, too, have put yourself or others at risk by thinking spatially, when you might have been well served to think both spatially and temporally.

“Come And Take It!”
…it’s like standing in your open front door in the dark of night and yelling at a prowler: “Hey, come get my family and valuables, you maniac!” All wrong.

Flying With Firearms: Soar To New Heights With Confidence
Be thankful to live in a country where your right to keep and bear arms is so important that air carriers and related bureaucracies are accommodating, even at extra expense and logistical concern.

Violent Criminals Are People, Too!
“Monster—that’s what he is: a monster! I mean, how could a human being do something so horrendous?!”

How to Choose a Handgun
I would like to offer some pointers to help you navigate the handgun shopping process. The next ten minutes may save you time, money, and frustration, and I think you will find the read helpful and enjoyable.

Self-Defense Lessons from Kenosha
Learn about levels of force, disparity of force, and self-defense against unarmed attackers. But make sure you are also aware that prosecutors will readily equate “unarmed” and “harmless,” and juries are often willing to misconstrue—especially if you’re carrying a firearm.