Idaho Enhanced Concealed Weapons instructors all too often mistake (or lazily substitute?) the state licensing standards for a curriculum. That is a gravely deficient approach. The state standards have vastly more to do with protecting the state than with preparing you to protect yourself and your loved ones.
At Ministry of Defense, everything we teach is driven by our moral imperative to provide YOU with useful self-defense training and education that safeguards your physical and legal well-being. The bureaucratic box-checking requirement on your state form certainly resolves itself during our training, but only as a complementary objective to the vastly more important sharing of cutting-edge information. The truth is that if you find yourself cornered into a fight for survival, you will rely not on the laminated card in your wallet or purse, but on the concepts in your head, the tools you carry, the myelination in your neural pathways, and the righteous fire in your heart.
To best prepare you for a challenge against your life, we propose to challenge you in the classroom. The subject matter requires more than a junior-high elective, “give a man a fish” approach. This doesn’t mean you won’t have a great deal of fun—you will!—but it does mean that you should expect to apply yourself. This class is comprehensive, but comprehensible, and will feel something like a 100-level college class. We are here every step of the way to help you meet the challenge, and our success in promoting your success is well documented in our Google reviews.
So, the choice is yours. By law, an Enhanced CWL class requires you to give up a minimum of eight hours of your life. What do you need in return for those eight hours? If all you want is the license, there are cheaper options out there that are…how to say this?…worth the $79 price of admission. But if you want proven ideas, techniques, and perspectives, our class delivers for true defenders.
If you look at other concealed carry classes, you might think of the following items as bonuses. At Ministry of Defense, we call them essentials and include them with your enrollment: